I’m a doctor and I have a PhD in nutrition. Like everyone else, I would like to keep my brain going and not develop Alzheimer’s. Today no one knows how to prevent Alzheimer’s. But as a doctor and medical researcher, I came across some knowledge almost no one knows about which helps me avoid concerns about developing Alzheimer’s. Let me tell you what I know that helps me. The following information all comes from my new book Rottenseed! Cottonseed, Alzheimer’s and Your Brain. This book is due to be released very soon.
Agribusiness is pouring millions of pounds of poison into the human food supply every year with no regulation and no public knowledge. So? Big deal. I think it is a big deal. Why? I could call these poisons the “Swiss cheese”poisons, not because I have something against Swiss cheese, but because of the way the brain looks after animals eat these poisons. These are cottonseed poisons. I’m talking here about one of these cottonseed poisons, which goes to your brain. When cottonseed is fed to animals, so many brain cells die that the brain develops big holes and looks like Swiss cheese. This is what the brain looks like after a rat has been fed cottonseed:
In addition to making holes in the brain, the cottonseed poison ties up other structures in the brain. This is what Alzheimer’s is all about.
If you want to avoid developing Alzheimer’s, you don’t want this poison going to your brain. You don’t want holes in your brain, and you don’t want tangled structures in your brain.
Is it worth it to you to avoid these poisons? I think most of us do not want our brains to look like Swiss cheese. But you can’t avoid this poison unless you know where it is coming from.
As I said above, the poison comes from cottonseed. These are the seeds that are part of the cotton balls. Cotton farming has a huge by-product, millions of pounds of cottonseeds. Because the seeds contain protein, the seeds are fed to farm animals. Also, the seeds contain oil, so the oil is processed into foods that you and I eat.
The problem is that cottonseed is poisonous! Yes, cottonseed contains poison, lots of poison. Farmers feed as much cottonseed to the animals as they can without the poison killing the animals. The amount of cottonseed that will kill animals is well known.
The problem is that the cottonseed poisons remain in the meat and fat of the animals, so when we eat the meat from the cottonseed-fed animals, or drink the milk from the cottonseed-fed cows, we get the cottonseed poisons in our food.
How do you prevent Alzheimer’s? You avoid eating cottonseed poisons.
In my forthcoming book, Rottenseed! Cottonseed, Alzheimer’s and Your Brain (Wisconsin Institute of Nutrition, LLP, 2013), I tell everyone where the cottonseed poisons are and how to avoid them. I explain the scientific basis of this problem, and the practical solutions. I also explain why you can stop eating cottonseed now, even if you are older, and still be healthier.
Rottenseed! Cottonseed, Alzheimer’s and Your Brain is the first book to shed light on this hidden problem in our food supply. My book is based on scientific research, and is the first to suggest that you can prevent major health problems by not eating cottonseed, directly through oil or indirectly through meat, fish, poultry and milk.
So you can do what I do every day. You can start now, even if you are older. This is what I do as a doctor and PhD nutritionist. This is not just for the young!
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